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Research Experience

Jan, 2016- Jan, 2018

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA)-Grenoble, France

Ab-initio study of role of defects on thermal conductivity of thermoelectric and photovoltaic, LED materials. 

Co-developer of thermal conductivity code of our group -almaBTE ( 

Interdisplinary Center for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany 

Main focus on development of tight binding potential for thermal conductivity calculation in nano-structures of Si.  

July, 2015-Dec, 2015

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Nov, 2011-June, 2015

Max Planck Ph.D. Fellow

Max Planck Research School IMPRS-SurMat, MPIE, Düsseldorf and  ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Ab-initio thermal transport in thermoelectric materials. Development of simplified models for computation of thermal properties in SiGe random alloys.


2011 - 2015


2009 - 2011


M.Sc. in Electronic Science

Department of Electronic Science, University of Pune, India


Ph.D. in Physics

ICAMS, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany


2006 - 2009


B.Sc. in Electronic Science

Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Bhopal, India





Higher Secondary

Bhel Shiksha Niketan (C.B.S.E. Board), Jhansi, India

Senior Secondary

Bhel Shiksha Niketan (C.B.S.E. Board), Jhansi, India


  • Ph.D. fellowship from Max Planck Society, IMPRS-SurMat in Nov,2011. 

  • Fellowship by IPAM, UCLA to participate in long program on ‘Materials for sustainable Energy’ in UCLA, Los Angeles, U.S.A. in 2013.

  • Awarded European Computing Grant: PRACE preparatory Access, with 50000 hours of computing time (Principal Investigator).

  • C-DAC (Indian supercomputing facility) computing time granted: ~2Million core hours for a year. 

  • University of Pune Gold Medalist in Master Degree (M.Sc) with GPA 5.84/6 (‘O’ grade).

  • 1st rank in All India Entrance (National Level) for M.Sc in University for Pune, India.

  • University (State level) Gold Medalist in Bachelor Degree (B.Sc) with 81%.

  • Distinction in 12th standard securing 84% and in 10th standard securing 85.4% marks.

Teaching and Supervising

  • Numerical Computing course for M.Tech. in Modelling and Simulation (two semester long core course with extensive computing emphasis), CMS, S P Pune University, India.

  • Vector Calculus course for M.Tech. in Modelling and Simulation, CMS, S P Pune University, India. 

  • Teaching Assistant for the course ‘Application and Implementation of Electronic Structure methods’ in ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (2014).

  • Supervised 1 Masters thesis from University of Oslo, Norway in ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (resulted in the publication Physical Review B, 95, 045202 (2017)).

  • Supervised 1 visiting Ph.D. student from Tokyo University, Japan in CEA-Grenoble, France (Summer 2017).

International Journal Reviewer

1. Science 

2. Physical Review Letters

3. Physical Review B

4. Journal of Materials Chemistry A

5. ​Physica Solidi Status (b)

6. RSC Advances  

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